Thanksgiving Dessert Ideas That Are Delicious and Smile-Friendly

October 2, 2024

Kid dramatically gasping at a row of chocolate-covered strawberries

If, like most kids, your child’s favorite food is dessert, you probably have a challenging time keeping their teeth cavity-free on a normal basis – let alone on Thanksgiving Day! Fortunately, you might not have to keep them attached to your hip just to protect their smile during the holidays. These creative dessert options are low on sugar, simple to make, and most importantly, delicious. Keep reading to get your fill of inspiration.

Homemade Peanut Butter Fudge

Sure, when you buy fudge from the store or make it with milk chocolate, the sugar content adds up real quick. Peanut butter, on the other hand, contains far less sugar and much more protein, which will help your child’s teeth and gums grow. Plus, if you have the resources to be able to make it yourself, you can be in total control of what and how many sweeteners you use.

The Best Way to Eat an Avocado

This isn’t about avocado toast, although there are plenty of creative toppings you could sprinkle onto that dish to make it seem like a dessert. Instead, picture an avocado mousse with honey, dark chocolate, your child’s favorite berries, and a sprig of mint. You’ll be handing your kiddo a healthy cup of fruits and vegetables that will look and feel very much like pudding.

Chocolate and Fruit: Yum!

Possibly the simplest thing you could do is dip strawberries, bananas, or other fruits into a dark pool of chocolate, then stick ‘em in the freezer so you get that nice crunch. Alternatively, you could jazz it up a bit by making chocolate fondue. Your kid could enjoy a smile-friendly dessert and finally get to play with their food!

Baked Cinnamon Apples

It’d be a shame not to include some fall flavors on this list. Somehow, baking an apple changes them into a different fruit entirely, complete with a fully transformed texture. Add to that cinnamon, honey, nutmeg, or clove, and you’ve basically got a healthier version of apple pie filling.

Artisanal Cheese

It might sound a bit strange to offer cheese as a dessert. However, this dairy product is packed with calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel, fortifying pearly whites against cavities. You’d be surprised how many people would be willing to eat a good cheese on its own, but if you’d like to offer your kiddo some flavors that are a touch more complex, try to find cheeses that pair well with blueberries, their favorite nuts, or tomatoes and basil.

Got a picky eater that wouldn’t be a fan of any of these ideas? No problem – there’s a treasure trove of easy and inventive recipes online that can still help keep your little one cavity-free for the holidays. Oh, and don’t be afraid to pick your pediatric dentist’s brain! They’ll have more than a few tricks up their sleeve for preserving your child’s oral health.

About the Author

Dr. Meghan Thorburn is a board-certified pediatric dentist, meaning you can trust her to take good care of your little one. It also means she has specialty training in encouraging kids to maintain and preserve their oral health. If you’d like more tips for keeping your child cavity-free this Thanksgiving, Dr. Thornburn would be happy to help! To contact her office, call 682-327-1133.