Removing Bothersome & Severely Damaged Teeth

Dr. Thorburn and our team at Trinity Pediatric Dentistry do everything within our power to preserve your child’s natural smile, because, in an ideal world, our teeth would last us a lifetime. However, that’s often not how it goes. In some cases, like those involving extensive dental damage and severe decay, we may need to extract a tooth to preserve the surrounding ones. Our team can perform safe tooth extractions in our Fort Worth pediatric dental office, and for wisdom teeth, we can refer you to a specialist who will take wonderful care of your little one, so call us today.
Why Choose Trinity Pediatric Dentistry for Children’s Tooth Extractions?
- Same-Day & After-Hours Emergency Dentistry
- Safe Children’s Dental Sedation Available
- Ethical & Trustworthy Pediatric Dental Team
When Are Children's Tooth Extractions Necessary?

If we can safely and effectively reverse any dental damage or salvage a tooth, we’ll always choose that over extracting it. We want your child to enjoy a full set of pearly whites, whether they’re going to fall out naturally in the future or they’re their permanent teeth. However, in cases where we feel a dental problem or tooth threatens the health of others, we may recommend an extraction. Here are some situations in which this may occur:
- Gum disease has eroded the supportive hard and soft tissues surrounding a tooth, making it loose.
- A tooth is severely decayed and cannot be repaired with a tooth-colored filling or crown.
- An infected tooth cannot be treated with root canal therapy.
- Your child is in severe pain because of a damaged tooth that isn’t repairable.